
Is there anything that is just “non-negotiable” for you ?
「Is there 〜?」は「〜はありますか?」と聞くときによく使われる英語表現ですね
「Is there anything 〜?」と「anything」がきたらその後は文がきます
まぁ「anything + 文」で覚えておきましょう
- Is there anything you want to do?
(何かしたいことはありますか?) - Is there anything else you want to say?
I need some alone time. I like spending time with my friends, but I also like some alone time.
I enjoyed relaxing with reading books, comics, watching videos, drawing pictures, and so on.
- negotiable(形)交渉できる、交渉可能、要相談
- alone time:ひとりきりの時間、水入らずの時間
- spend(動)〔金を〕使う、〔時間を〕費やす、浪費する、過ごす、〜して過ごす
[spend>spent>spent] - regardless of 〜:~にかかわらず、~に関係なく、~を気にせずに、~を顧みず(に)、~を問わず、~などお構いなしに、~にこだわらずに
- 時々:sometimes、every now and then、occasionally、from time to time
- Prices are negotiable.
(価格については相談に応じます) - Is the price negotiable?
(料金は、交渉できますか?) - The price is not negotiable.
(値引きはできません。) - I’m sorry, it’s unnegotiable.
「negotiable」の英英辞典の説明は「able to be discussed or changed in order to reach an agreement:」とあるので、ある物事について、話し合ったり、変更したりする可能性がある、つまり、交渉の余地がある、という意味になるんですね。
- I need some alone time.
(1人の時間が必要です) - I love my alone time.
(1人の時間が好き) - I need some alone time after being at work all day.
(一日中働いた後は、自分一人で過ごす時間が必要です) - I really think having my alone time is important.
- me time
- time with myself
- to spend time alone
- personal time
- Regardless of nationality.
(国籍を問わず) - You have to carry on regardless.
(気にせずに続けろ) - I will go regardless of the weather.
(私は天気に関係なく行くだろう) - Regardless of age, everybody can apply for it.
- This is non-negotiable.
- I can’t compromise this.
「I’m assuming your alone time is non-negotiable right ?」